expires: 12/29/2023
Engine or Transmission Replacement
$100.00 OFF
With any Remanufactured Engine or Transmission Replacement Job.
(with this coupon only)
(with this coupon only)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers. Westside must provide the units!
expires: 12/29/2023
Honest Service Guarantee!
$20.00 OFF
Any Brake Service Job over $150.00
(with this coupon only)
(with this coupon only)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers.
expires: 12/29/2023
Military Labor Discount
10% OFF Labor
10% off all labor charges on any service over $150.00.
(with this coupon only
must present military ID)
(with this coupon only
must present military ID)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers.
expires: 12/29/2023
Honest Service Guarantee!
$20.00 OFF
Any Service over $150.00
(with this coupon only)
(with this coupon only)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers.
expires: 12/29/2023
30/60/90/120K Mile
Maintenance Service
Maintenance Service
$20.00 OFF
$20.00 OFF any Mileage Maintenance Service over $150.00
(with this coupon only)
(with this coupon only)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers.
expires: 12/29/2023
Honest Service Guarantee!
$20.00 OFF
Any Timing Belt Job over $150.00
(with this coupon only)
(with this coupon only)
One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offers.